
Hi, I’m Rini.

Nice that you found your way here. If you share my passion for short stories, the tiny beautiful things in life, and conscious living then you’ve come to the right place.

I am a digital nomad, sharing my travels, a yoga teacher, sharing my path, and an Ayurvedic health coach sharing my knowledge about body, mind, soul, and the right recipes to heal all of them.

Perhaps you will find the space to let your soul float and your mind wander. It’s lovely to have you here.


Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga

After 5 years of practice and my first Yoga teacher training, I thought I was a Yogi now. After my second Yoga teacher training, I thought I was a superior human. When I first went to The Practice in Bali…

Establishing a healthy relationship

You can’t ask for what you’re not willing to give. Yes. I know that the feminine was suppressed for thousands of years. Suppressed by the unhealthy masculine, seeking to over power and dominate, to destroy instead of create. I do…

You don’t need a relationship

Woman, goddess, vessel of light – you don’t need a relationship to be whole.  As a byproduct of the modern days fast dating world, we are taught that wholeness comes with finding your better half.  Mainstream media teaches us, that…

New Trek coming ♥️

We take you on a journey of self exploration through the arts of Yoga, Breathwork, and various meditation techniques inspired by age-old teachings infused with modern scientific principles. The majestic environment of the Himalayas offers your senses a journey into…

Divine dance

We all carry the feminine and the masculine within all the times. The dark and the light.The chaos and the balance. The hate and the love. It is not so much about presenting yourself as one or the other. Not…

Thoughts to ponder

All paths ultimately lead to the same place, and that place is inside ofyou. It has been there all along. The only thing you need is the time, support, and inspiration to discover it. Once you do, you never lose…

More money = more healing?

I’ve been struggling with my internal dialog lately. Insecurities, lack of self love, negative self talk, doubts and negative beliefe systems from the past. Don’t get me wrong, all this is beautiful. It means progress. It means growth. It means…

Do you have a plan?

You don’t always need a plan. I didn’t have one when I started to travel 3 years ago, I still don’t have one now. A plan is something so rock solid, so limited and so closed off that right there,…

Emotional resources

We’re all acting the best with the resources available to us at every moment. Your partner, your mother and your siblings always act with what’s available to them in the moment. It’s always their story, their feelings, their resources, not…

Soul seeking

I seek my soul within. Taking time to wash my wounds in salty waters, cover old scars with fine sand and burn out the past with tropic sun on my skin. For the first time in my life, I take…


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